About Meris ENZO
6 filter types
(Ladder Lowpass, Ladder Shelving Bandpass, Ladder Highpass,
State Variable Lowpass, State Variable Bandpass, State Variable Highpass)
4 Synth Mode
(Poly, Mono, Arp, Dry)
Allow using expression pedal or midi control
Pitch -Control the pitch of the Synth or Dry signal in half step increments
Portamento (Alt Function) -Smoothly glide from one Synth note to another
Feedback -Control the cutoff frequency of the filter
Filter (Alt Function) -Select between 6 filter types
Mix -Control the balance between Dry and Wet signals
Delay Level (Alt Function) -Control the level of a single delay tap from Min to Mid
Sustain -control the sustain of Synth notes
Ring Modulation (Alt Function) -Control the frequency of a classic ring modulator
Filter ENV -Control attack and decay rates for the Triggered Envelope
Filter Bandwidth (Alt Function) -From wide gentle filtering to a narrow peaky filtering
Modulation -Detunes the oscillators of each Synth voice
Delay Feedback (Alt Function) -Control the repeats for the delay line
Tap switch -Control the time for the delay
Envelope Type (Alt Function) -Control the Filter Envelope from Triggered Envelope to Envelope Follower
Hold Tap -Momentarily turns Delay Feedback to max
On/Off Bypass switch
Synth Waveshape (Alt Function) -Control the Synth waveshape from Sawtooth to Square
Hold to access Alt Functions
Press to Select Synth Mode